Some questions to ask yourself if you’d like to start meal planning!

I have a confession to make. I really don’t know “how” to cook. I say that in all seriousness. I have taken exactly two classes in my life, and would never brag about my ability to consistently deliver results. What I am excellent at, however, is planning and organizing, and making my life easier every evening.

Seriously, whoever made that meme/tweet or whatever about “The most annoying things about being an adult is figuring out what to eat for every meal ever” is NOT WRONG. Also, feeding kids? That’s beyond annoying. So I am good at sorting things to make my life easier.

I have actually been fortunate lately to help some friends with this effort as well. It has been a fun experience, and I love to know that these skills that I have been honing for the past decade can go beyond just feeding my own family.

That being said, I have gotten good at finding simple recipes that feed and nourish my family at dinnertime.* Are you interested in learning how to do this too? Here are some initial questions to get you started:

  1. How many times each week am I committed to cook?
  2. Follow up to question 1: how much time am I willing to invest on making dinner?
  3. Can I devote time to not only make it to the grocery store, but also get organized for that trip?
  4. What does my family like to eat? Are there any dietary restrictions I should take into account?
  5. Do we eat leftovers? (This is a big one! I try very hard to not have waste, so if there are leftovers, I often times shift my meals around.)

This is a great start to getting on your way to making a plan and sticking to it! Do you have anything to add to this list?

*I have to clarify at dinnertime because breakfast and lunch can still be a nightmare around here, and there is much fending for ourselves on all accounts!